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Elenza Nail Art Tool
Overviews Elenza Nail Art Tool
Preparing Your Brush:
Initial Setup: Use a fiber-free disposable towel to spread the brush hairs and gently break the stiffness. Rock the brush from side to side to remove the starch coating.
Starch Removal: Submerge the brush in liquid and apply firm pressure to spread out the hairs, gently rocking from side to side. Dispose of the liquid afterward.
Shaping & Training: Saturate the brush in fresh sculpting liquid, then glide it through a plastic-backed pad to create a taper. Repeat to help any “flared” hairs realign into the tapered shape.
Trim Loose Hairs: For hairs that don’t reshape, carefully cut out single stray hairs (never pluck).
Storing Your Brush:
Proper Storage Position: Always store your brush horizontally. Storing it upright can cause monomer to drain into the ferrule, leading to a gummy texture and damaging the brush.
Application Guide:
Step 1: Dip the colored gel polish using a sponge.
Step 2: Apply the sponge to fill nail tips with the gel.
Step 3: Use this sponge polish design tool to create unique, smooth designs for your nails.